HKFYG Red Packet Recycling Campaign
青協利是封回收行動 我們的利是封回收活動已圓滿結束!感謝大家的熱情參與,香港青年協會大廈的利是封收集箱收集到了10公斤的可循環再用利是封,並已成功轉交給綠領行動進行回收重用。 感謝所有支持我們的參與者,讓我們一起為建設更環保的香港出一分力! HKFYG Red Packet Recycling Campaign Our red packet recycling activity has successfully concluded! Thank you all for your enthusiastic participation. The collection box at the HKFYG building gathered 10 kilograms of recyclable red packets, which have been successfully handed over to Greeners Action for reuse. We appreciate all the participants who supported us. Together, let’s contribute to building a more environmentally friendly Hong Kong! ======================== 有關香港青年協會可持續發展部 本會推動可持續發展,目的旨在培養青年的環保意識,為他們創造在環境保護中擔當重要角色的機會,秉持「學習行動,引領變革」的原則,透過提供各種培訓及體驗,培養青年實現可持續發展所需的態度、技能及知識。 此外,通過著眼青年減碳,利用「環境教育」、「行動實踐」及「帶領改變」三個層面,引導青年參與綠色可持續發展。 #可持續發展 #青年減碳行動 #青年減碳2025 Second-Hand Clothes Sorting Activity
Volunteers interested in participating in the “Circular Fashion” clothing sorting activity can register at the following link: https://tr.ee/w27iW_K35f The 3-hour volunteer activity includes: ✓ Sorting second-hand clothes under the guidance of professionals ✓ Understanding the impact of fast fashion on the environment ✓ Reflecting on the fashion industry and our daily habits Second-Hand Clothes Sorting Dates: Session Date Time Address Quota 1 09 January 2025 (Thur) 2:30-5:30PM Unit B, 14/F, Koon Wo Industrial Building, 63-75 Ta Chuen Ping Street, Kwai Chung, New Territories 15 (FULL) 2 06 February 2025 (Thur) 2:30-5:30PM Unit B, 14/F, Koon Wo Industrial Building, 63-75 […]Second-Hand Clothes Sorting Session (9/1/2025)
Thank you to all the amazing volunteers who joined us on January 9th! Together, we sorted second-hand clothes, learned about the impact of fast fashion on our environment, and gave new life to pre-loved garments. Within a few hours, we sorted approximately 800 kg of second-hand clothes! A special thank you to Redress for co-hosting this event with us! Let’s continue to make a difference in our community and promote sustainable fashion! Volunteers interested in participating in the “Circular Fashion” clothing sorting activity can register at the following link: https://tr.ee/w27iW_K35f The 3-hour volunteer activity includes: ✓ Sorting second-hand clothes […]Youth Decarbonisation Platform – Sai Kung Beach Cleanup
To promote youth engagement in achieving carbon reduction goals, the Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups, in collaboration with the ICBC (Asia) Charitable Foundation (“ICBC”), hosted the “Youth Decarbonisation Platform – Sai Kung Beach Cleanup” on November 16 (Saturday) in Sai Kung. This event encouraged young people to practice carbon reduction behaviors in their daily lives and actively participate in protecting our natural environment. The event attracted more than 100 students from primary, secondary, and tertiary institutions, along with members from ICBC. Participants cleaned up Sai Kung Beach and the first section of the MacLehose Trail (from Pak Tam Chung […]Get Redressed Month Impact Report
According to the waste statistics for 2021 published by the Environmental Protection Department (EPD) in Hong Kong, an average of 404 tonnes of textile waste were disposed of at landfills each day, accounting for 3.6% of the total municipal solid waste (MSW). To address this pressing issue, the Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups (HKFYG) has teamed up with Redress, an environmental NGO dedicated to accelerating the transition to a circular fashion industry. This marks our third year of participating in their “Get Redressed Month” campaign. Our volunteers participated in the 3-day “Sort-a-thon” event, where they weighed and […]
星期一至五 ( 9am-6:00pm )