Press Release

July 9, 2024

Recycling Academy 「塑膠再生企劃」活動嘉許禮順利舉行

香港青年協會與可口可樂中國有限公司攜手推行「塑膠再生企劃」,於2024年7月6日假南豐作坊4樓舉行活動嘉許禮。為期一年的回收學院計劃,吸引了20間中學,共300多名中學生參與,參與人次達1200人。回收學院工作坊由本地藝術家帶領,透過體驗式學習,讓學生親身探索RPET的不同可能性。   參加者還參觀了本地大型回收設施「塑新生」,認識回收再造技術,親身體驗大型回收、分解和再造的過程。他們將學習和得著以「30秒挑戰」製作成短片,並向學校及社區人士分享,網上接觸人次達15,000。獲獎隊伍為:   冠軍:香港中國婦女會中學 亞軍:恩平工商會李琳明中學 季軍:中華基督教會基朗中學   出席嘉許禮的40多名同學分享學習成果,並提出讓學校及社區更有效地推動塑膠回收的建議。嘉許禮完結後設現場工作坊,讓市民即時體驗入校工作坊的內容,教育和推廣乾淨回收;並在互動展區向社區人士展示塑膠轉化的過程,讓市民了解塑膠生命的第二生命,進一步推動社區大眾培養回收習慣,實踐綠色生活。      
August 26, 2024

Get Redressed Month Impact Report

  According to the waste statistics for 2021 published by the Environmental Protection Department (EPD) in Hong Kong, an average of 404 tonnes of textile waste were disposed of at landfills each day, accounting for 3.6% of the total municipal solid waste (MSW).   To address this pressing issue, the Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups (HKFYG) has teamed up with Redress, an environmental NGO dedicated to accelerating the transition to a circular fashion industry. This marks our third year of participating in their “Get Redressed Month” campaign. Our volunteers participated in the 3-day “Sort-a-thon” event, where they weighed and […]