Awards and Recognition

Hong Kong Green Organisation

The Hong Kong Green Organisation Certification (HKGOC) is led by the Environmental Campaign Committee (ECC) alongside the Environment and Ecology Bureau and in conjunction with nine organisations, in alphabetical order, the Advisory Council on the Environment, the Business Environment Council, the Chinese General Chamber of Commerce, the Chinese Manufacturers’ Association of Hong Kong, the Federation of Hong Kong Industries, the Hong Kong Chinese Importers’ & Exporters’ Association, the Hong Kong Council of Social Service, the Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce and the Hong Kong Productivity Council. The HKGOC aims to benchmark organisations in green management, to encourage participating organisations to adopt environmental practices in different aspects and to recognise their efforts in and commitments to the environment.

Since March of 2023, the Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups (HKFYG) Headquarters was awarded the “Waste Reduction Certificate” and the “Energy Saving Certificate” by the Environmental Campaign Committee, recognizing HKFYG’s efforts and commitment to adopting various environmental protection measures in its daily operations to reduce waste generation and energy consumption.

The Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups has incorporated sustainable development into its mainstream service direction, actively promoting youth awareness of climate change and environmental conservation. Through environmental education, practical action, and leading change at three levels, with youth-led initiatives and mobilizing youth power, HKFYG aims to nurture and inspire them to become leaders in sustainable development, jointly participate in Hong Kong’s transition to carbon neutrality, and build a better living environment.


Charter on External Lighting - Diamond Award

The Federation received a Diamond Award from the Environment and Ecology Bureau’s Charter on External Lighting. This award recognises the efforts in preventing outdoor lighting at night from causing disturbance to nearby residents.

Due to the high building density in Hong Kong, external lighting at night might cause nuisance to residents nearby.  Switching off unnecessary external lighting during the preset time can foster a better nighttime environment, which is conducive for the public to rest.

As such, 18 premises under the operation of HKFYG pledged to switch off all external lighting each night from 10 PM to 7 AM. All were awarded the Diamond Award for their efforts.